More than 25 years of project experience in hardware development
Broad range of applications
Iftest has more than 25 years of project experience in the area of hardware development for the following applications:
- Microcontroller systems
- Motor controls
- Digital and analogue switches
- Communication interfaces
- Wireless data communication
- Display and touch
- Performance electronics
- Fieldbus and baseboards
New Iftest display and control module
The new display and control module is based on a flexible modular architecture and a customer-specific baseboard. An optimised development process allows customers to bring more customised solutions to market more quickly.
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Product concept and design
Hardware development begins with creating a concept for the product to be developed. The product concept and product specifications are developed in close collaboration with the customer and based on a requirements catalogue and specification sheet. PADS PCB Designer and Altium Designer are used for the PCB layout. A key factor for quality and costs is the design for testing. The test strategy and corresponding test structure are also defined. The creation of the mechanical design occurs alongside the electronics hardware development with selected partners.
Product lifecycle management at a glance
A special focus is placed on component selection when designing the product. Aspects that need to be considered are performance, long-term availability, price, service life and the possibility of second sourcing. The applicable environmental requirements and standard compliance are also taken into account.